Title: Danila Travinik Herbal Tea for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) – 150g
Danila Travinik’s herbal tea blend for high blood pressure gently supports cardiovascular health. This carefully crafted formula helps cleanse cholesterol from blood vessels, strengthen vessel walls, normalize blood composition, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep. Made with a blend of 10 potent herbs including Hawthorn, Motherwort, and St. John’s Wort. 150g.
- St. John’s Wort
- Rosehips
- Motherwort
- Hawthorn Berry
- Marsh Cudweed
- Field Horsetail
- Guelder Rose Bark
- Sea Buckthorn Berry
- Wild Blackcurrant
- Hyssop
- Purple Loosestrife
Steep 1 tablespoon of the herbal blend in 0.5 liters (approximately 2 cups) of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink 30 minutes before meals.
Shelf Life:
24 months