Title: Danila Travnnik Cedar Health Tea – 150g
Escape the city’s hustle and bustle with Danila Travnnik’s Cedar Health Tea. This aromatic and richly flavored blend transports you to the tranquil forests of Altai, promoting calm and serenity. Its unique, all-natural formulation offers antibacterial properties and a powerful vitamin complex of easily absorbable micro and macronutrients. Ideal for supporting your immune system during cold and flu season, this tea effectively helps clear congestion and reduce inflammation.
- Respiratory Support: Soothes coughs and relieves congestion, beneficial for acute respiratory illnesses.
- Immune System Boost: Strengthens natural defenses against illness.
- Cardiovascular Health: Supports heart health, helps cleanse vessels of excess cholesterol, and improves blood flow.
- Digestive Health: Aids in healthy digestion.
- Stress & Sleep Improvement: Promotes relaxation and combats insomnia.
- Metabolic Support: Helps regulate metabolism.
- Skin & Hair Health: Improves skin and hair condition, promoting a youthful appearance and faster wound healing.
- Joint Support: Strengthens joints and is recommended for joint and muscle ailments, and age-related musculoskeletal conditions.
Cedar cones, cedar and pine needles, Kuril tea leaves and flowers, fermented Ivan-chai leaves, and Siberian bergenia leaves.
Steep 1 tablespoon in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 30 minutes. Can be brewed twice. Delicious with milk and honey.
Shelf Life:
24 months
This is a food product and not a medicine.
Cedar tea, Altai tea, herbal tea, immune support, respiratory health, cardiovascular health, stress relief, sleep aid, joint pain relief, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, natural remedy, Danila Travnnik, organic tea, Siberian herbs, 150g, bulk tea, health tea, wellness tea.