Title: German-Made Iris-Schere TC Curved Surgical Scissors with Tungsten Carbide Inserts – 11.5cm (19-2TC* HLW)
Precision German-engineered Iris-Schere TC curved surgical scissors (11.5cm, 19-2TC* HLW) designed for delicate soft tissue manipulation in oral surgery. These superior scissors feature tungsten carbide inserts for exceptional wear resistance, ensuring long-lasting sharpness and performance. The curved design facilitates access to hard-to-reach areas within the oral cavity. The finely honed, triangular blades provide precise cutting of soft tissues, while the ergonomically designed handles minimize hand fatigue during extended procedures. Ideal for demanding oral surgical applications.
Product Specifications:
- Manufacturer: HLW (Germany)
- Type: Surgical Scissors
- Series: Iris-Schere TC
- Blade Type: Curved, Triangular, Sharp, Tungsten Carbide Inserts
- Blade Length: 11.5 cm (115 mm)
- Handle Type: Ring handles
- Material: Martensitic Steel
- Coating: Uncoated
- Quantity: 1
- Key Features: Exceptional durability thanks to tungsten carbide inserts; ergonomic design reduces hand fatigue; precision-engineered for delicate procedures; superior cutting performance in oral surgery.
Keywords: Surgical scissors, Iris scissors, curved scissors, oral surgery scissors, tungsten carbide inserts, HLW, German surgical instruments, precision scissors, dental scissors, 11.5cm scissors, martensitic steel scissors, high-precision cutting, oral surgery instruments, 19-2TC* HLW, soft tissue scissors, dental instruments, handheld surgical instruments.