Title: Crezodent VladMiVa (5ml) – Powerful Dental Antiseptic with Dexamethasone
Crezodent VladMiVa is a potent dental antiseptic solution containing chlorophenol (bactericidal), camphor (antiseptic & sedative), and dexamethasone (0.1%) – a corticosteroid providing powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties to reduce periapical reactions. Its volatile nature ensures rapid penetration into dentinal tubules. This unique formula effectively combats infection while minimizing irritation of periapical tissues when used as directed. Does not mix with other substances. Packaging includes one 5ml glass vial and instructions for use. Expiry date: 05/25.
Crezodent VladMiVa, dental antiseptic, chlorophenol, camphor, dexamethasone, periapical, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal, 5ml, root canal treatment, endodontics, pain relief, infection control, dental medication, expiry date.