Title: Black Compression Socks (20-30 mmHg), 2-Pair Pack – Medical Grade Support
Description: Experience superior support and relief with these medical-grade compression socks, providing 20-30 mmHg of compression. Recommended for managing symptoms of varicose veins, post-sclerotherapy, and preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). These 20-30 mmHg compression socks are ideal for alleviating symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, superficial thrombophlebitis, and reducing discomfort associated with heavy lifting, pregnancy, prolonged standing, post-traumatic complications, restless legs syndrome, arthrosis, arthritis, edema, and aiding in post-surgical recovery and thrombembolism prevention. For optimal effectiveness, put on these elastic, black women’s compression socks in the morning while lying down. A size chart is available in the image gallery. Unsure about your size? Click “Ask a Question,” provide your measurements, and our specialists will gladly assist you. Crafted using Italian technology for superior quality and comfort. Perfect for summer wear. Two pairs included.