Title: Art Life Argolife Colloidal Silver Antiseptic, 10ml
Description: Argolife, a 10ml colloidal silver antiseptic solution for external use. Active ingredient: Colloidal silver – a pure, natural product consisting of microscopic silver particles suspended in demineralized and deionized water. Silver’s medicinal properties have been utilized for over two millennia. Ancient Egyptian warriors applied silver coins to wounds for faster healing; people with toothaches held silver coins against their cheeks; and silver objects preserved water purity during long journeys. Silver ions possess the strongest bactericidal properties among metals, exhibiting an antiseptic effect five times stronger than chlorine. Upon contact with microorganisms, silver ions eliminate over 500 types of pathogenic microbes, viruses, and fungi – surpassing the capabilities of even the strongest antibiotics. Harmful microorganisms develop resistance to antibacterial drugs, but remain entirely ineffective against silver ions. Importantly, silver ions are completely harmless to the human body.
Application: Apply to skin areas requiring hygienic treatment. Dilute for acne treatment and post-procedure skin care (e.g., after cuts during manicures or pedicures). A few drops of Argolife can be added to creams, facial lotions, or liquid soaps.