Title: Chlorhexidine Spray (150ml, 0.05% Aqueous Solution) – Broad-Spectrum Antiseptic
This alcohol-free, water-based chlorhexidine digluconate (0.05%) spray is a safe and effective antiseptic for a wide range of applications, suitable for children and pets. Its broad-spectrum antimicrobial action kills bacteria, fungi, and mold, making it ideal for disinfecting surfaces, tools, toys, shoes, clothing, phones, and more. Use it as a first-aid antiseptic for minor wounds, cavity rinsing, and even herpes treatment.
Larger quantities (1L and 5L) are perfect for disinfecting public areas such as gyms, swimming pools, saunas, hair salons, nail salons, and spas. This versatile solution is a superior alternative to alcohol and other harsh antiseptics. It’s gentle enough for use on hands, feet, face, hair, and eyebrows, yet powerful enough to sterilize and disinfect tools, combs, brushes, and even sex toys.
Safe for use in various professional settings, including waxing, nail extensions, manicures, pedicures, sugaring, and tattooing. This chlorhexidine spray avoids burning or irritating skin and mucous membranes, and it easily wipes clean without leaving residue. Its mild formulation is suitable for children’s skin and oral use. You can even add it to pet shampoos and pet paw washes.
The convenient 150ml spray bottle with a fine mist applicator allows for precise application and prevents wastage. Its compact size makes it perfect for travel or carrying in a bag. Dispose of properly after the expiration date. Available in various sizes: 100ml, 150ml, 1000ml (1L), and 5000ml (5L).
Chlorhexidine spray, antiseptic spray, disinfectant spray, alcohol-free antiseptic, water-based antiseptic, chlorhexidine digluconate, 0.05% chlorhexidine, broad-spectrum antiseptic, wound antiseptic, first aid antiseptic, skin antiseptic, pet antiseptic, surface disinfectant, tool disinfectant, gym disinfectant, salon disinfectant, spa disinfectant, herpes treatment, 100ml, 150ml, 1L, 5L, safe for children, safe for pets, alcohol-free, non-irritating, easy to use, portable antiseptic, travel antiseptic.