Title: Chlorhexidine Bigluconate 0.05% Solution (10 x 100ml) – Powerful Antiseptic for Skin & Disinfection
Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% aqueous solution (alcohol-free) is a powerful and effective disinfectant and antiseptic providing reliable protection against various infections. Its antiseptic properties exhibit bactericidal action against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (excluding tuberculosis pathogens) and fungicidal action against Candida species. This versatile solution can be used as a hand sanitizer with antibacterial properties and can be applied with a spray bottle (sold separately).
Manufactured by ETOSFARM, this alcohol-free 0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate disinfectant solution is suitable for a wide range of applications:
Household Use:
As an antiseptic for humans and animals – treating wounds, abrasions, cuts, burns, sore throats, bad breath, bleeding gums, and gum infections.
Healthcare Professionals:
Hand hygiene (hand antiseptic) for medical personnel, including emergency responders.
Healthcare Facilities:
Hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries, hospitals, dental clinics, medical units, etc.
Pharmacies & Laboratories:
Pharmacies, pharmacies, bacteriological, immunological, and clinical laboratories.
Surgical & Medical Procedures:
Pre-surgical skin preparation and injection site disinfection; hand hygiene for surgeons, anesthesiologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, endoscopists, neonatologists, operating room nurses, and other professionals performing invasive procedures; hand hygiene for hospital support staff (food service, cleaning, sanitation), patients, and their families.
Instrument Disinfection:
Disinfection of small, simple medical instruments (metal clamps, scalpels, forceps, spatulas, needles, injection syringes, wooden spatulas, plastic ear funnels, catheters, probes) in healthcare settings and non-healthcare settings like salons, hotels, and educational facilities.
Other Settings:
Hand hygiene for law enforcement, emergency services, and civil defense personnel; hand hygiene for veterinary workers and animal husbandry facilities.
Apply 3ml to the affected skin area using a sterile cotton swab or by spraying, rubbing until completely dry (approximately 2 minutes).
Our product’s quality is guaranteed by testing documents and a State Registration Certificate issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, and adheres to strict manufacturing standards. The compact bottle with a dispenser and cap ensures economical use and a 24-month shelf life. Its convenient format, ease of use, and low toxicity make Chlorhexidine Bigluconate 0.05% Solution an indispensable multi-functional aid in any home first-aid kit, offering reliable protection against health threats. Direct-from-manufacturer packaging minimizes the risk of damage during transit. Protect yourself and your loved ones with Chlorhexidine Bigluconate 0.05% Solution! Purchase now!