Title: Stringent (Bidens Tripartita) Herbal Tea Bags – 2 Packs of 20
Stringent (Bidens tripartita) boasts a wealth of therapeutic properties, acting as a diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic, sedative, and bactericide. It also normalizes metabolism and improves appetite. Internally, as an infusion or decoction, Stringent tea is used to treat liver and spleen disorders, diabetes, digestive issues, and bronchitis. Its diuretic properties are beneficial in treating bladder inflammation. Both internally and externally (baths, washes, compresses), Stringent is used to treat rickets, gout, arthritis, exudative diathesis, acne, pimples, and boils. Infected and purulent wounds and ulcers can be treated by applying a powder made from dried Stringent herb or crushed fresh leaves. The infusion is also effective in washing hair affected by seborrhea. Each pack contains 20 tea bags, for a total of 40 bags.