Title: Chaga Elixir for Blood Pressure Support – Caucasian Healer (200ml)
Support healthy blood pressure with Caucasian Healer Chaga Elixir, a 200ml blend of Chaga mushroom extract and carefully selected Caucasian herbs. This potent formula combines the unique organic compounds of Chaga, known for strengthening and improving blood vessel elasticity and reducing permeability, with a synergistic blend of herbs traditionally used to support cardiovascular health.
Our elixir’s ingredients include: organic honey, Chaga mushroom extract, and extracts of oregano, birch leaf, hawthorn flower, lemon balm leaf, field horsetail, coltsfoot leaf, mint leaf, fireweed flower, motherwort herb, common bugleweed herb, chicory herb, valerian root, and cudweed herb.
This natural combination helps cleanse vessels of cholesterol, normalize blood clotting and composition, improve cerebral blood flow, and may offer relief from mild symptoms of atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, and hypertension. The calming effects of the herb blend, further enhanced by Chaga, promote relaxation and reduce nervous system excitability.
Take one tablespoon twice daily, diluted in warm tea or water, on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. A minimum 21-day continuous daily intake is recommended. Pairs well with herbal tea.
Chaga Elixir, Blood Pressure Support, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Health, Caucasian Herbs, Herbal Remedy, Chaga Mushroom, Natural Remedy, Blood Pressure Supplement, Atrial Fibrillation, Tachycardia, Cholesterol, Blood Clotting, Cerebral Blood Flow, Organic Honey, 200ml, Sun (Bizoryuk)
While this description highlights potential benefits, it’s crucial to remember that this is not a replacement for medical advice. Consult your doctor before using this product, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.