Title: Siberian Cedar Resin Balm (12% Resin, Cedar Oil) – 250ml
Product Description:
Experience the powerful healing properties of Siberian nature with our Cedar Resin Balm, a unique blend of 12% pure Siberian cedar resin and cold-pressed cedar oil. This potent, all-natural formula is free from preservatives and harnesses the traditional wisdom of Siberian healers.
Internal Benefits:
- Immune System Support: Increases phagocyte count in the blood, boosting your body’s natural defenses against viruses, bacteria, and parasites. This helps unlock your body’s energetic potential.
- Detoxification: Aids in the removal of heavy metals and toxins from your system.
- Digestive Health: Supports healthy digestion and pH balance.
- Viral & Inflammatory Support: Offers natural protection against viral infections, colds, and inflammation.
- Cellular Regeneration: Stimulates the repair and function of liver and pancreas cells.
- Nutrient Support: Helps combat vitamin deficiencies.
External Benefits:
- Wound Healing & Skin Regeneration: Promotes rapid wound healing and skin repair.
- Skin Health: Soothes and nourishes skin, effectively addressing various skin conditions.
- Hair & Nail Health: Improves the condition of brittle nails and damaged hair.
About Siberian Cedar Resin (Zhiвица):
Siberian cedar resin, known as “Zhiвица” (meaning “life-giving energy”), is a natural resin harvested by hand from the Siberian cedar tree. For centuries, indigenous Siberian peoples have revered this resin for its remarkable healing properties, using it to treat a wide range of ailments. Its ancient use even extended to sacred ceremonies, where the burning of cedar resin was believed to purify and protect.
Product Details:
- Resin Concentration: 12%
- Oil Base: Cold-pressed Siberian cedar oil
- Volume: 250ml
- Shelf Life: 12 months
- Natural Sedimentation: May occur naturally. Shake well before use.
Note: This product is a natural remedy and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have pre-existing health conditions.