Title: Powerful Antiparasitic Herbal Tea Blend (200g) – Caucasus Herbs Collection #68a
Caucasus Herbs Collection #68a is a potent antiparasitic herbal tea blend formulated to effectively combat various intestinal parasites. This 200g blend is carefully crafted with a powerful combination of herbs known for their anthelmintic properties, targeting both adult parasites and their developmental stages. This natural remedy is suitable for adults and children, offering both therapeutic and preventative benefits.
Effective Against:
This antiparasitic formula is effective against a wide range of parasites, including Ascaris (roundworms), pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis), and tapeworms (cestodes). Its use is recommended for individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of parasitic infection, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation, particularly if there are pets in the household.
Key Ingredients & Benefits:
- Powerful Anthelmintics: Chicory, thyme, eucalyptus, tansy, and pumpkin seeds are renowned for their strong anthelmintic action.
- Improved Elimination: Dandelion, centaury, and wild carrot seeds enhance intestinal peristalsis, facilitating the expulsion of parasites and waste products.
- Antiseptic & Bactericidal Action: Eucalyptus, tansy, pine needles, and fir bark provide powerful antiseptic and bactericidal effects, supporting overall gut health.
- Detoxification & Immune Support: Nettle, dandelion, and birch contribute to improved metabolism, diuretic action, and detoxification, supporting the body’s natural immune response.
Beyond Parasite Cleansing:
- Weight Management: Supports healthy weight management.
- Improved Digestion: Enhances digestive function and liver health.
- Radiant Skin: Contributes to healthier skin.
- Reduced Sugar Cravings: May help reduce cravings for sugary foods.
Ideal For:
- Individuals transitioning to a healthy diet (including vegan and raw food diets).
- Those undergoing body cleansing and detoxification programs.
- Prevention of helminthiasis (worm infestations).
- Individuals exhibiting symptoms suggestive of parasitic infection.
100% Natural:
This herbal tea is made with 100% natural herbs from the Caucasus region, reflecting our commitment to providing high-quality, effective natural remedies. Caucasus Herbs – caring for your health.