Caucasus Herbs: Bronchodilating Herbal Blend #52 for Pneumonia Relief (200g)
This potent 200g blend of Caucasus herbs effectively targets pneumonia symptoms. Its bronchodilating action loosens and expectorates phlegm, relieving coughs and reducing inflammation. The blend includes blood-purifying properties. For severe inflammation, seek immediate medical attention and antibiotic treatment. Following antibiotic therapy, this herbal blend can aid recovery by continuing to reduce inflammation, bronchodilate, and facilitate the removal of mucus.
Essential oils and phytoncides from violets, coltsfoot, and eucalyptus expand the bronchi. Pine buds improve circulation. Mullein, Icelandic moss effectively expectorate. Birch leaves, oregano, meadowsweet, pine buds, angelica, licorice, marshmallow root, and elecampane possess anti-inflammatory properties.
This blend is compatible with Blend #63 for inhalation (using a compressor or steam inhaler) and can be combined with Blend #42 at a reduced dosage (1 tsp per cup of boiling water, steep for 1 hour, drink once before bed). Consider supplementing with Vitamin Blend #51 and Tea #51a.