Title: Calsept Calcium Hydroxide Root Canal Sealer (2 x 2.5ml Syringes + 20 Cannulas) – Omega Dent
Calsept, from Omega Dent, is a iodoform-free calcium hydroxide-based root canal sealer ideal for endodontic treatment. This versatile material offers effective disinfection and maintains a highly alkaline environment (pH 11-12) within the root canal, crucial for treating infected canals and preventing reinfection. Calsept is indicated for:
- Endodontic treatment of infected root canals: Addressing infections that penetrate deep into the root dentin, even beyond traditional antiseptic treatments. Its prolonged antiseptic action ensures effective disinfection and prevents reinfection.
- Temporary root canal obturation: Managing granulating and granulomatous periodontitis.
- Formation of secondary dentin: Acting as a therapeutic liner in deep caries treatment.
Calsept’s superior formulation combats infection by: providing sustained antiseptic action within the root canal, preventing reinfection, and maintaining the optimal alkaline environment for healing.
Composition: Calcium hydroxide, barium sulfate, isotonic solution.
Packaging: Contains 2 x 2.5ml syringes of paste and 20 disposable cannulas.
Manufacturer: Omega Dent
Alternatives: Apexdent (iodoform-free), Kalseptin, Calasept (Nordiska Dental), Vitapex, Metapex, Metapaste, AH Temp, VioPaste.