Title: Burdock Root Supplement (420mg, 100 Capsules) – Santegra for Joint Health, Hair Growth & Skin
Description: Santegra Burdock Root capsules offer comprehensive support for your overall well-being. This powerful supplement promotes joint health by assisting in the removal of salt deposits and stimulating intra-articular fluid production. It also supports healthy skin, hair growth, and digestive function. Burdock root is known for its gentle diuretic and choleretic properties, contributing to detoxification and improved urinary tract health. Experience the potential benefits of this natural remedy for healthier joints, vibrant skin, and strong, beautiful hair. Each capsule contains 420mg of high-quality burdock root extract. Made in the USA.
Learn more about how burdock root can help with: burdock root for arthritis pain, burdock root for hair growth in women, and burdock root supplement for digestive issues.