Title: Burdock Root (Lekra-SET), 50g
Lekra-SET Burdock Root (50g) offers a potent blend of natural remedies. Known for its diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic, and antiseptic properties, burdock root is rich in polysaccharides that support healthy insulin production, increase liver glycogen, and regulate metabolism. Its anti-tumor activity is attributed to the presence of alkaloids. Traditionally used to address a wide range of conditions, including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, gastritis, peptic ulcers, gallstones, kidney stones, chronic constipation, edema, hemorrhoids, rickets, menstrual irregularities, helminthiasis, acne, boils, eczema, and ringworm. Burdock root decoctions can also be applied topically as compresses for oily seborrhea.