Title: Burdock & Shilajit NIIN 60 Capsules – Natural Therapy for Cellular Regeneration
Description: As we age, our bodies experience wear and tear: heart problems, mood swings, abnormal test results, fluctuating blood pressure, declining vision, and memory loss become more common. Are your children frequently ill, and do you find everyday tasks increasingly difficult, diminishing your enjoyment of life?
Modern life exposes us to harmful environmental factors, unhealthy food additives, household chemicals, and pharmaceutical drugs, all negatively impacting our well-being. Over time, these seemingly insignificant factors can contribute to the development of serious illnesses, including cancer. Prioritizing health and replenishing your body with beneficial nutrients to combat these harmful influences is crucial.
“Shilajit & Burdock NIIN” is a bioactive complex, a source of hundreds of essential biological substances vital for optimal health. It offers freedom and independence from illness and reliance on pharmaceuticals!
Altai Shilajit – a unique organomineral substance formed through microbial fermentation of organic matter in a geological environment – contains valuable nutrients absent in a typical diet. Shilajit acts as a building block for new cells, facilitating faster recovery from acute and chronic illnesses, injuries, and surgeries.
Burdock is one of the most potent lymphotropic plants! Within hours, it initiates active detoxification, restoring lymphocyte function and immunity, boosting infection and tumor protection, and reducing swelling.
The effects of burdock are significantly enhanced by licorice, echinacea, and red clover – powerful agents for detoxifying the body, eliminating infections, and normalizing blood and lymph function. You’ll notice improved lung, liver, and urogenital system function, along with healthier skin and heart health.
Plantain and dandelion root extracts normalize digestion within days, regulating enzyme secretion, improving mucous membrane health, and bile flow. Cholesterol and sugar levels are also reduced.
Coenzyme Q10 replenishes energy and restores vitality.
Created for you. Dr. Arsenin. Manufacturer: Naturotherapy.