Title: Red Medical Waste Bags – Class B, 330x600mm (500 Pack)
These heavy-duty, double-layered polyethylene Class B (red) medical waste bags are designed for the safe collection, storage, and disposal of extremely epidemiologically hazardous waste. Made with a durable blend of high-density polyethylene (30%) and low-density polyethylene (70%), these bags feature a strong, 1.5mm wide heat-sealed bottom seam (no side seam) with a tensile strength of at least 70% of the film’s strength. Complying with medical waste color-coding standards (Class A – white, Class B – red, Class C – yellow, Class D – black), each 330x600mm bag includes a designated area for essential labeling: waste class, healthcare facility name, disposal date, and responsible party’s full name. This 500-count bulk pack provides cost-effective waste management for healthcare facilities.