Title: Synthesit Iron: Boost Ferritin Levels, Metabolism & Cellular Regeneration
Synthesit Iron is a powerful biocatalyst that accelerates cellular processes for rapid health restoration. It acts as a biocatalyst within cells, optimizing energy production at both the cellular and systemic levels. Utilizing an iron-based co-factor, Synthesit leverages the body’s natural resources to stimulate oxygen transport, metabolism, cellular protection, and overall regeneration. Improved biochemical efficiency leads to enhanced well-being and increased physical and mental energy. Synthesit also enhances the body’s defense against free radicals caused by stress, aging, and disease. It helps restore your body’s natural potential for health, vitality, and peak performance. Effective for both prevention and as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for acute and chronic conditions, including immune dysfunction, digestive issues, cardiovascular problems, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Adults over 18: 1 capsule per day for every 60kg of body weight. Dosage may be increased to up to 4 capsules daily during periods of intense physical activity or illness. Take before meals with 50-100ml of water. Recommended course: 3 months, with a 10-day break after every 20 days of continuous use.
Synthesit Iron, ferritin, metabolism booster, cellular regeneration, biocatalyst, antioxidant, immune support, digestive health, cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal health, energy booster, health supplement, free radical damage, recovery, wellness, iron supplement.