Title: SPETZMAZ BRAND Surgical Balm with Shark Liver Oil & Chondroitin – 70ml
Experience rapid relief from musculoskeletal issues with SPETZMAZ BRAND Surgical Balm. This 70ml botanical cream-balm, crafted with natural, eco-friendly extracts and oils, is specifically formulated to nourish and support joint and spinal health. Our unique blend combines the power of shark liver oil, chondroitin, collagen-elastin, and essential vitamins to promote optimal joint function. Shark liver oil is renowned for its rich mineral and vitamin content, offering analgesic and anti-inflammatory benefits. It aids in wound healing and provides relief from muscle and joint pain, sprains, bruises, dislocations, frostbite, and burns. Chondroitin actively promotes the repair of damaged cartilage, restoring joint health and protecting against further degeneration. For a complete ingredient list, please refer to the product packaging.