Title: Complete Vacuum Blood Collection System: 30x Heparin & Gel Tubes, 30x Butterfly Needles (21G), 30x Holders
This complete vacuum blood collection system offers a safe, efficient, and convenient method for venipuncture. Utilizing vacutainer tubes ensures accurate sample collection, transport, and high-quality analysis. The system’s speed minimizes pre-analytical errors, guaranteeing reliable test results. Ideal for various settings, including pediatrics, veterinary medicine, and critical care units.
System Components:
- 30 x Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes (9ml, 16x100mm): Containing sodium heparin and a separating gel. These tubes are designed for plasma collection, specifically for biochemical testing. Heparin (12-30 IU/ml blood, conforming to ISO 6710) is applied to the inner wall (dry or liquid). Expiry Date: March 2025.
- 30 x Butterfly Needles (21G, 0.8mm, 19mm/3/4″): Featuring a flexible catheter, Luer adapter, and a protective transparent plastic cap. These needles are designed for ease of use, especially with challenging patients.
- 30 x Tube Holders/Adapters: Essential for secure fixation of the vacuum tube and needle during blood collection. Ensures a smooth and stable procedure.
Key Features & Benefits:
- Superior Safety: Reduces the risk of needlestick injuries and sample contamination.
- Efficiency & Convenience: Streamlines the blood collection process, saving time and resources.
- Accuracy & Reliability: Ensures accurate sample collection for reliable test results.
- Versatility: Suitable for single or multiple tube collections.
- Individual Packaging: Each needle and tube holder is individually packaged in a sterile, sealed polyethylene pouch with clear labeling and instructions.
- High-Quality Materials: Utilizing latex-free components where applicable.