Title: Tishe Water-Based Lubricant: Black Currant & Banana – 125ml
Description: Elevate your intimacy with Tishe Premium Lubricant, designed for unparalleled comfort and pleasure. Our high-quality, water-based formula boasts a delicious black currant and banana flavor, providing long-lasting lubrication without irritation, staining, or dryness. Experience silky smooth sensations during vaginal, anal, and oral sex, enhancing your intimacy and ensuring compatibility with condoms and other contraceptives.
Tishe’s natural, hypoallergenic formula is gentle on even the most sensitive skin. Easily washable and residue-free, it mimics natural lubrication, increasing blood flow and reducing discomfort associated with vaginal dryness. The stimulating effect of ample moisture enhances sensation, though remember, intimacy begins in the mind. This premium lubricant is perfect for everyday use and adds a sensual touch to any sexual encounter.
Tishe is a premium, edible lubricant for adults 18+. Made with natural ingredients and meeting global quality standards, it’s rigorously tested and guaranteed to deliver a luxurious and satisfying experience. Enjoy discreet and anonymous delivery, along with the assurance of high-quality, all-natural ingredients. Give yourself and your partner unforgettable moments of passion with Tishe.