Title: 100 Count Black Vinyl Gloves (50 Pairs) – Size Medium – SAFETY Brand
Description: Protect your hands with SAFETY Brand black vinyl gloves, perfect for a wide range of tasks. This bulk pack contains 100 gloves (50 pairs) in size Medium. Made from durable, high-quality vinyl, these disposable gloves offer reliable protection and comfort. Ideal for cleaning, medical procedures, chemical handling, food preparation, and even manicures, these versatile gloves provide a superior barrier against germs and contaminants. The sleek black color adds a touch of style while concealing minor blemishes. Their thin, flexible design ensures excellent dexterity, allowing for precise work. SAFETY Brand gloves meet stringent quality standards, providing the dependable protection you need for both professional and household use. Experience the perfect blend of strength, sensitivity, and style with these essential disposable gloves. Order your pack of SAFETY black vinyl gloves today and experience the difference!