Title: Biogelm: Cleanse and Restore Your Vascular System
Description: Biogelm balm is designed to support individuals suffering from cardiovascular conditions where the circulatory system struggles to effectively supply tissues and organs with blood. This insufficiency leads to vascular damage and disrupted metabolic processes, contributing to various diseases. Biogelm’s primary application is the comprehensive restoration of impaired peripheral circulation. This includes conditions such as: discirculatory encephalopathy, pressure sores, post-infarction and post-stroke conditions, obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities and gangrene, varicose veins (including hemorrhoids), and diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities (stages II-III). These drops promote normalized microcirculation and venous blood flow. The balm’s unique blend of mineral and plant-based components activates the body’s natural defenses and addresses functional impairments. Indicated for: phlebitis (inflammation and destruction of venous walls), atherosclerosis, aortic stenosis; hemorrhoidal fissures; inflamed lymph nodes; gangrenous ulcers in diabetes; cerebral dysfunction and impaired cerebral blood flow; headaches and dizziness; spinal and joint diseases; chronic venous insufficiency, lymphostasis; cerebrovascular insufficiency, vertebrobasilar insufficiency; varicose veins; post-stroke and post-infarction states; obliterating endarteritis, intermittent claudication, arteriosclerosis; post-embolic circulatory disorders; microangiopathies, including diabetic foot and retinopathy; impaired venous outflow in children with minimal brain dysfunction; pressure sores, and trophic ulcers of the lower leg.