Title: Beige Heel Grips for Shoes – 1 Pair, Self-Adhesive Shoe Protector
These self-adhesive heel grips with a latex insert provide superior heel support and reduce shoe length. They prevent heel slippage and rubbing, correcting fit issues in the heel area—perfect if your shoes are too loose in the back. Ideal for narrow heels, these grips are made from high-quality, soft, hypoallergenic, and breathable material. They cushion the heel, protecting it from friction against a stiff back. The strong adhesive securely attaches to the inside of the shoe. Recommended for all seasons and shoes with firm backs.
Clean the shoe’s heel area with alcohol or a similar degreaser. Remove the protective film, place the insert inside the shoe, and firmly adhere the heel grip to the inner back of the shoe. Size: 9cm x 4.5cm.
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