Title: Pchelozan Drops: Bee Dead Extract for Health (100ml)
Pchelozan drops (bee chitosan) are a rich natural source of unique healing substances with high bioenergetic potential, enhancing your overall well-being and bolstering your immunity. Bee chitosan is a more potent bioactive substance than chitosan derived from crustaceans. Its positive role in regulating metabolism, providing anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, and tonic effects, and regulating endocrine and nervous system functions has been proven. This low-molecular-weight chitosan-melanin complex, derived from bee dead, exhibits pronounced lipid-lowering effects, contributing to reduced high cholesterol levels, a crucial factor in preventing atherosclerosis, obesity, and their serious consequences. Pchelozan drops mechanically cleanse the intestines, normalize their function, and reduce toxin absorption, preventing gastrointestinal diseases and acting as a preventative measure against diabetes. Pchelozan binds and eliminates radionuclides and heavy metal salts; it accelerates wound healing without scarring, exhibiting hemostatic and analgesic effects when applied topically. It may also offer rejuvenating properties and is used as a standalone or supplementary ingredient in shampoos, face and hair masks, gels, creams, balms, and toners.
Pchelozan is a powerful adaptogen, aiding in rehabilitation after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It’s beneficial for individuals living in areas with high radiation levels and assists with acute and chronic infections, burns, and poisoning. It strengthens the immune system, enhances cellular energy, strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood clotting, improves heart rhythm and cardiac function, and enhances microcirculation. Pchelozan improves metabolism, normalizes endocrine gland function (including thyroid function), and improves blood circulation. It addresses vascular diseases, kidney disorders, enuresis, and supports body cleansing and detoxification. It’s effective in purulent-septic processes (mastitis, paronychia, furunculosis), and assists with neuropsychiatric disorders (epilepsy, asthenic syndromes), hypertension, autonomic dysfunction, atherosclerosis, skin, muscle, joint, tooth, and gum diseases, vision and hearing problems, memory issues, immunodeficiency, rheumatic diseases (arthrosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, myositis, psoriasis), and the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and obesity. It normalizes bowel function, improves liver function, and is invaluable in cases of impotence, chronic prostatitis, adenoma, and other male problems, restoring sexual function and activity. It also possesses rejuvenating properties.
Bee dead extract.
Take 1 drop per 10 kg of body weight twice daily, 30 minutes before meals. Treatment duration: 21 days.
Pchelozan, bee dead extract, bee chitosan, chitosan, health supplement, immune system booster, adaptogen, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol reduction, atherosclerosis prevention, detoxification, wound healing, rejuvenation, antioxidant, men’s health, rheumatic diseases, radiation protection, gastrointestinal health, lipid-lowering, natural remedy, 100ml, drops, bee products, alternative medicine.