Title: Empetrum Nigrum (Crowberry) Shoots, 50g (Azbuka Trav)
Description: Also known as Siberian Crowberry, Black Crowberry, Bearberry, Bog Berry, Crakeberry, and by many other regional names (including водяника сибирская, шикша черная, лопарская ягода, багновка, психа, водяника черная, водянка, водяница, вороница, верез ягодный, вереск с черными ягодами, верис, голубинец, ерник ягодный черный, накамник черный, ссиха, сциха, сцыха, засцыха, сикша, кудесная трава, дорогая трава, вороника, багновка, синявишна трава, медвежья ягода, пьянка, ссыха, черная трава, сикса, болотница, ариска, багрянка, веданга etc.), Empetrum nigrum (Crowberry) is a powerful herb. A preventative tea made from Crowberry shoots is used to combat fatigue and headaches, offering beneficial effects on the central nervous system and acting as an antiscorbutic. In Transbaikalia, infusions are traditionally used to treat paralysis. This 50g pack of Crowberry shoots is sourced from Azbuka Trav.