Title: Baikal Skullcap Root: Herbal Blend from the Crimean Mountains (110g)
This 110g herbal blend features Baikal Skullcap root, harvested from the pristine mountains of Crimea. Prepare a potent tincture by steeping 50g of root in 250ml of 70% alcohol for 15 days, shaking daily. The resulting tincture will be a clear reddish-brown with a distinctive bitter taste. Take 20-30 drops (in 50-100ml of water) three times daily, 30 minutes before meals, for a minimum of 2-3 months. Store in a dark place. Alternatively, create a decoction: simmer 1 teaspoon of root in a cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, steep for 1 hour, and strain. Consume 1/3 cup three times daily before meals.
SEO Keywords:
Baikal skullcap, skullcap root, Crimean herbs, herbal blend, tincture, decoction, herbal remedy, natural remedy, traditional medicine, mountain herbs, Baikal skullcap benefits, skullcap root uses, 110g, alcohol tincture, herbal supplement, health supplement.