Title: Ecoten PRR-30U: 30cm High-Strength Medical Back Brace with 4 Rigid Stays
The Ecoten PRR-30U is a 30cm high, reinforced, medical-grade back brace offering strong lumbar support. Featuring 4 removable, adjustable steel stays, this breathable, cotton-rich brace provides excellent comfort and stability. Ideal for men and women, it’s perfect for relieving back pain and supporting recovery. Suitable for various conditions including: post-surgical rehabilitation (lumbar and sacral spine), disc herniation, uncomplicated spinal fractures, lumbosacral radiculitis, lumbago, lower back pain, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliac joint inflammation, spinal degeneration, and post-manual therapy/physical therapy. It also aids in preventing spinal problems during physical activity and sports. Consult your doctor before use. Relative contraindications: Complicated spinal injuries, individual orthotic needs, skin conditions (dermatitis, ulcers, bedsores), allergies to materials, infections, open wounds. Do not wear after applying warming creams/ointments. Hand wash at 30°C.
back brace, lumbar support, back pain relief, spinal brace, orthopedic corset, medical brace, sacroiliac belt, back support belt, Ecoten PRR-30U, 30cm brace, rigid back brace, 4 stays, adjustable back brace, post-surgery recovery, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, men’s back brace, women’s back brace, lumbar support belt, lower back pain relief, back pain treatment, spinal injury recovery, posture correction, physical therapy support, sports support, rehabilitation brace, medical-grade back brace, breathable back brace, comfortable back brace.