Title: INTERLIN Sports Back Brace with Metal Support Ribs
The INTERLIN SL B021 lumbar-sacral support brace provides comfortable, firm support for your lower back during intense physical activity and sports. Featuring four rigid support ribs and elastic straps, this brace gently stabilizes the lumbar-sacral region, promoting proper posture and reducing strain. Its moderate level of fixation helps alleviate pain and discomfort associated with muscle strain, instability in the lumbar-sacral spine, pinched nerves, and excessive physical exertion. This back brace is ideal for preventing disc compression and managing back pain resulting from strenuous activities. Made with breathable, moisture-wicking material for all-day comfort, it’s machine washable for easy care. This medical-grade product has undergone rigorous laboratory testing and is certified by Roszdravnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare). Made in Russia. Consult the instructions before use.