Title: Back Support Brace: Lumbar Orthopedic Corset with Rigid Stays for Posture Correction
This orthopedic back brace provides effective support and pain relief for various spinal conditions including radiculitis, osteochondrosis, herniated discs, and sciatica. Featuring four rigid, coated stainless steel stays, this lumbar support corset significantly reduces strain on the lower back and lumbosacral spine. Ideal for athletes, individuals engaged in physically demanding work, and those experiencing visceral prolapse, this versatile brace helps maintain proper organ position and supports abdominal muscles. It’s also suitable as a post-surgical hernia support. Designed for both men and women, this comfortable 24cm (adjustable) back brace includes two additional tightening straps for a customized fit. Discreet under clothing, it offers excellent warmth and support.