Title: ORTO KGK-110 Thoracolumbosacral Support Brace – Medium (M2), Semi-Rigid Back Support
The ORTO KGK-110 Thoracolumbosacral Support Brace is a modern take on the classic “Leningrad-type” textile corset, offering effective support and pain relief for various spinal conditions. This semi-rigid back brace features an anatomical design with a non-stretchable central panel and elastic side panels for a comfortable, customized fit. Adjustable, molded support ribs and elastic straps provide customizable compression and support. Two long support ribs run along the spine, with two shorter ribs on either side of the central panel. The number of elastic straps (one or two pairs) varies depending on size.
This posture corrector gently conforms to the body’s contours, avoiding pressure on the ribs and pelvis. The reclining straps ensure optimal posture correction without underarm pressure thanks to its soft lining. The removable support ribs allow for precise spinal contouring.
The ORTO KGK-110 is ideal for adults seeking relief from back pain and improved posture. It provides effective support and treatment for conditions such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, herniated discs, and spondylosis. It’s also beneficial for preventing back pain associated with prolonged sitting or standing. This lumbar support brace also aids in post-operative and post-trauma rehabilitation (including compression fractures) of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Made from soft, hypoallergenic materials for all-day comfort, the KGK-110 is available in a range of sizes (waist circumference 60-130 cm) to fit adolescents, men, and women.
Indications for Use:
- Conditions and injuries causing significant back pain, radiating leg pain, limited spinal mobility, and fixed spinal deformities.
- Post-operative and post-trauma rehabilitation (including compression fractures) of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
ORTO KGK-110, thoracolumbosacral brace, back brace, semi-rigid back support, posture corrector, lumbar support, spinal support, scoliosis brace, osteochondrosis brace, herniated disc brace, spondylosis brace, back pain relief, post-operative recovery, post-injury rehabilitation, compression fracture, hypoallergenic, adjustable, comfortable, medium size, M2, spinal support brace, back pain relief brace.