Title: Back Scratcher with Shoe Horn – AM-122 Green (47cm)
Description: This versatile AM-122 back scratcher and shoe horn combines two essential tools into one cleverly designed, lightweight and durable plastic implement. Its unique brush-shaped design provides comfortable reach for both hard-to-reach back itches and effortless shoe insertion. At 47cm long, it eliminates the need to ask for help reaching your back. Simply use one side as a convenient shoe horn, and the other as a satisfying back scratcher. Dimensions: 47 x 4 x 3 cm.
Keywords: back scratcher, shoe horn, back scratcher with shoe horn, long handled back scratcher, back scratcher tool, shoe horn tool, 2-in-1 back scratcher, AM-122, green back scratcher, plastic back scratcher, 47cm back scratcher, long shoe horn, comfortable shoe horn, ergonomic shoe horn.