Title: Ba Zhen Wan (2 Packs) – Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula for Body Restoration (Five Element Formula 0834)
Description: Ba Zhen Wan is a herbal remedy based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles. This potent formula, known as the Five Element Formula 0834, offers comprehensive body restoration support. Its pharmacological actions include general strengthening, immune modulation, immunostimulation, blood production, and wound healing. Ba Zhen Wan is particularly beneficial for recovering from prolonged chronic illnesses. Common symptoms addressed include weakness, shortness of breath (exacerbated by physical activity), pale or yellowish complexion, pale lips, weak voice, sweating, poor appetite, palpitations, dizziness, blurred vision, scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, and a pale tongue with a thin, weak, and empty pulse. This formula, produced by Tai Bao, replenishes Qi and Blood, targeting Qi and Blood Deficiency syndrome. Contraindications include individual component intolerance, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Store in a cool, dry place inaccessible to children, below 25°C.
SEO Keywords: Ba Zhen Wan, Ba Zhen Wan 0834, Five Element Formula 0834, Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, herbal remedy, Qi deficiency, Blood deficiency, immune support, immunostimulant, body restoration, chronic illness recovery, weakness, shortness of breath, pale complexion, poor appetite, dizziness, amenorrhea, scanty menstruation, Tai Bao, herbal supplement, Chinese herbal medicine.