Title: B.Braun Vasofix Certo 22G IV Catheter (0.9 x 25mm) – Box of 30
The B.Braun Vasofix Certo 22G (0.9 x 25mm) IV catheter is a reliable, sterile peripheral intravenous cannula designed for long-term use. Featuring a secure injection port with valve and stabilizing wings, this catheter ensures convenient medication administration and minimizes dislodgement. Its blue color-coding facilitates easy identification, while the 25mm (1 inch) length and 0.9mm (22G) outer diameter provide optimal insertion and flow rate (36ml/min). Each box contains 30 individually sterile catheters, offering a cost-effective solution for healthcare professionals. Learn more about B.Braun Vasofix catheters in our helpful articles section. 5-year shelf life from the date of manufacture.