Title: B.Braun Surecan 20G Straight Huber Needle (0.9 x 70mm) – Single Use
The B.Braun Surecan 20G straight Huber needle (0.9 x 70mm) is a single-use, sterile needle with a yellow color code. Its 0.9mm (20G) outer diameter and 70mm length make it ideal for accessing deeply implanted port systems, particularly in areas such as the groin. Designed without wings for ease of use, this Huber needle is perfect for bolus infusions and short-to-medium duration infusions (up to 30-60 minutes; not suitable for ambulatory patients). It’s particularly well-suited for port flushing and patency verification. The needle connects directly to an infusion line or three-way stopcock.
B.Braun Surecan, Huber needle, 20G needle, 0.9 x 70mm needle, straight Huber needle, intravenous catheter, port access needle, infusion needle, bolus infusion, short infusion, medium infusion, port flushing, port patency, single-use needle, sterile needle, yellow color code, medical needle, healthcare supplies.