Title: B. Braun Surecan Huber Needle 20G (0.9 x 30mm) Butterfly Infusion Set (3 Pack)
B. Braun Surecan 20G (0.9 x 30mm) Huber needle with wings, also known as a butterfly needle, features an extended length and is designed without a Y-connector. This sterile, latex-free and phthalate-free infusion set is ideal for long-term infusions and bolus injections.
Key Features:
- Gauge: 20G (0.9mm outer diameter)
- Length: 30mm working length (after the angled bend) + 200 ± 10mm extension tubing with clip (PVC-free)
- Color Code: Yellow
- Huber Needle Design: Facilitates atraumatic and secure port access.
- Butterfly Wings: Ensure easy insertion and secure fixation.
- No Y-Connector: Simple and streamlined design.
- Pressure Resistance: Up to 325 psi (22.4 bar)
- Packaging: Pack of 3 needles. (60 needles per case)
- Designed for long-term bolus infusions and port access.
- Provides complete control during insertion through the port membrane.
- Enables reliable monitoring of needle placement and skin reaction at the puncture site.
- Simple needle removal after infusion.
- Atraumatic and secure skin fixation for stable needle placement.
- Special design ensures stable needle position within the membrane.
Also known as:
Huber needle, Hickman needle, port-a-cath needle, Guber needle, butterfly catheter for port access.
Product Code:
4448367 (Kenek)
B.Braun, Surecan, Huber Needle, 20G, 0.9 x 30mm, Butterfly Needle, Infusion Set, Port-a-Cath, Hickman Needle, Guber Needle, Intravenous Catheter, Long-Term Infusion, Bolus Injection, Medical Supplies, Sterile, Latex-Free, Phthalate-Free, Yellow, PVC-free, Port Access Needle, 20G Butterfly Needle, Intravenous Infusion, Healthcare, Medical Device, Disposable Needle