Title: B. Braun Surecan Huber Needle 20G (0.9 x 20mm) Winged Infusion Set (10 units)
The B. Braun Surecan 20G (0.9 x 20mm) Huber needle is a winged infusion set designed for safe and reliable intravenous access. This catheter features a curved Huber needle, ensuring secure placement within ports and minimizing the risk of damage. Its advantages include:
- Ideal for prolonged infusions: Designed for extended use, minimizing the need for frequent needle changes.
- Precise needle placement: The curved Huber design and winged construction provide excellent control and visibility during insertion and throughout the infusion process.
- Superior patient comfort: Minimizes trauma and discomfort during insertion and removal.
- Secure fixation: Wings provide a secure and stable hold, preventing accidental dislodgement.
- Easy removal: Streamlined design simplifies removal, reducing the risk of complications.
- Durable construction: Built to withstand pressures up to 325 psi (22.4 bar).
- Color Code: Yellow
- Outer Diameter: 0.9mm (20G)
- Needle Length: 20mm (working length, after the angled bend)
- Extension Tubing: 200 ± 10mm (with clip), PVC-free
- Wings: Present, for easy insertion and secure fixation
- Y-Connector: Absent
- Latex and Phthalate Free: Yes
- Manufacturer: B. Braun
- Packaging: 10 units per package
This package contains 10 individually packaged B. Braun Surecan Huber needles, perfect for medical professionals requiring reliable and comfortable access for prolonged infusions. Order your B. Braun Surecan Huber Needles today.