Title: Azovmed Lotus Acupuncture Mat & Neck Roller Set for Pain Relief & Relaxation
English Description:
Experience the therapeutic benefits of the Azovmed Lotus Acupuncture Mat and Neck Roller Set. This unique set, inspired by traditional Tibetan acupuncture, combines a large massage mat and a supportive neck roller to provide targeted relief and overall well-being.
Key Benefits:
- Pain Relief: Alleviates back, neck, and shoulder pain associated with muscle tension, spasms, radiculitis, and osteoarthritis. Soothes PMS symptoms.
- Improved Circulation: Stimulates blood flow throughout the body, promoting better overall health and energy levels. Reduces cellulite appearance.
- Relaxation & Stress Reduction: Promotes relaxation, improves sleep quality, and reduces stress. Ideal for post-workout recovery.
- Enhanced Energy Levels: Increases energy levels and improves overall vitality. Boosts male and female libido.
- Improved Skin Elasticity: Improves skin elasticity and circulation.
- Foot Health: Helps prevent flat feet.
- Versatile Use: Suitable for use on the back, neck, shoulders, legs, and feet. Perfect for both adults and children. Makes a thoughtful gift!
Product Features:
- Soft & Safe: Features blunt, non-sharp nodules shaped like lotus flowers, ensuring gentle yet effective massage. The mat and roller are covered in 100% natural cotton fabric.
- High-Quality Construction: Durable foam padding provides comfortable support. The mat features 171 nodules (6mm height, 6mm spacing), and the roller features 43 nodules. Mat dimensions: 63 x 44 cm; Roller dimensions: 40 x 16 x 9 cm. Includes a convenient carrying bag (55 x 20 cm) and instructions.
- Easy Care: The removable cover is easily cleaned with warm soapy water. Air dry flat; do not machine wash, tumble dry, iron, or expose to direct sunlight.
- Complete Set: Includes both the large acupuncture mat and a neck/shoulder roller for comprehensive pain relief and relaxation.
Orthopedic Recommendations:
Begin with 5 minutes of daily use, gradually increasing the duration by 1-2 minutes weekly.
acupuncture mat, acupressure mat, massage mat, neck roller, back pain relief, neck pain relief, shoulder pain relief, pain relief, relaxation, stress relief, improved circulation, energy boost, PMS relief, cellulite reduction, improved sleep, radiculitis relief, osteoarthritis relief, Tibetan acupuncture, Azovmed, lotus mat, massage therapy, home massage, gift idea, muscle tension relief, muscle spasms, foot health, flat feet prevention, post workout recovery.