Title: Atomy Non-Heme Iron Sticks – 60 Sticks (2g Each)
Boost your energy and vitality with Atomy Non-Heme Iron Sticks. These delicious blueberry-flavored sticks provide a convenient and easily absorbed source of iron, crucial for oxygen transport, blood production, and energy levels. Each stick delivers 100% of your daily recommended iron intake. Formulated with four fruit extracts, Vitamin C (to enhance iron absorption), and chicory root, this supplement supports optimal health.
Key Benefits:
- Superior Absorption: Non-heme iron for enhanced bioavailability.
- Convenient Stick Packs: Easy to take, anytime, anywhere.
- Complete Daily Dose: Each stick contains 100% of the recommended daily allowance of iron.
- Energy Boost: Supports increased energy levels and combats fatigue.
- Supports Oxygen Transport: Essential for healthy blood production and oxygen delivery to cells.
- Blueberry Flavor: Delicious taste for enjoyable daily supplementation.
- Naturally Enhanced: Includes four fruit extracts and Vitamin C.
Important Considerations:
- For optimal absorption, take on an empty stomach, separated from calcium, coffee, green tea, and other supplements (including multivitamins) by at least 2 hours.
- Consult your doctor before taking iron supplements, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have underlying health conditions.
Ideal For:
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Individuals recovering from dietary restrictions
- Those with irregular eating habits and potential iron deficiencies
- Children and adolescents experiencing growth spurts
- Individuals with known or suspected iron deficiencies
60 sticks (2g each) – One stick per day, after meals.