Title: Astaxanthin 30 Capsules: Powerful Antioxidant for Eyes, Immunity & Skin
Experience the potent antioxidant power of Astaxanthin with our high-strength supplement. Each capsule delivers 240% of your daily recommended intake, enhanced with MCT oil for superior absorption. Derived from the Haematococcus pluvialis algae, Astaxanthin combats oxidative stress and premature aging, protecting your skin from UV damage. Significantly more powerful than Vitamins C and E, and 550 times stronger than Vitamin A, it’s a remarkable anti-aging powerhouse. Specifically, Astaxanthin supports eye health, helping to slow the progression of macular degeneration and cataracts. It doesn’t just neutralize free radicals; it synergistically enhances the effectiveness of other antioxidants like Vitamins C and E. Our formula includes MCT oil (Medium-chain triglycerides) to optimize absorption and maximize the benefits of this incredible natural carotenoid. GMP and ISO 22000 certified. 30 capsules, one daily serving.