Title: Aseptika Alcohol Wipes (60x100mm) – 300 Count (100 wipes/pack)
Maintain superior hygiene with Aseptika alcohol wipes. These individually-wrapped, 60x100mm wipes are crafted from high-quality non-woven material and saturated with highly purified alcohol, providing effective disinfection and sterilization. Perfect for home, travel, and emergency kits, they’re ideal for:
- First Aid: Clean and disinfect minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, and abrasions. Essential for blood draws and injections.
- Medical Equipment: Sanitize medical devices like blood pressure monitors and thermometers.
- Electronic Cleaning: Quickly and easily remove fingerprints, smudges, and grease from smartphones, monitors, laptops, and more.
- General Cleaning: Ideal for quick disinfection of surfaces in the home, office, or car.
Each pack contains 100 individually-sealed wipes, eliminating up to 99.9% of germs and viruses. Aseptika’s compact size makes them perfect for pockets, purses, backpacks, and glove compartments. Their versatility ensures cleanliness and safety wherever you go, making them an indispensable part of any first-aid kit or everyday hygiene routine. Stock up on Aseptika alcohol wipes today and experience the convenience and peace of mind they provide.