Title: Apollo Antiseptic Wipes with Hydrogen Peroxide (13x18cm, 10 Count)
Apollo antiseptic wipes provide convenient and effective first aid for minor wounds, scrapes, and cuts. Each individually packaged wipe offers precise hydrogen peroxide application, preventing waste and ensuring consistent treatment. The airtight packaging maintains the solution’s potency, extending its shelf life. These 13x18cm wipes are made from a non-woven material saturated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for reliable disinfection. Convenient for home, travel, and first aid kits. 3-year shelf life.
Keywords for SEO:
antiseptic wipes, hydrogen peroxide wipes, first aid wipes, wound care wipes, minor wound treatment, scrape treatment, cut treatment, individual wipes, hydrogen peroxide, 3% hydrogen peroxide, non-woven wipes, first aid kit supplies, travel first aid, antiseptic treatment, Apollo, 13x18cm wipes, 10 count wipes.