Title: Aoziru Fine Chia Seed & Probiotic Banana Drink – 40 Sticks
Aoziru Fine Japan, with chia seeds, probiotics, and kale, is the perfect supplement for those with unbalanced diets. This convenient drink helps replenish essential nutrients often lacking in unbalanced diets, low-calorie diets, and vegetarian lifestyles. Aoziru’s delicious banana flavor makes it easy to enjoy, providing sustained energy throughout your day. Suitable for the whole family, this supplement is free from known contraindications. Aoziru’s active ingredients deliver vital nutrients and comprehensive health benefits:
- Chia Seeds: A natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids (including ALA, linoleic, and oleic acids), protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Chia seeds boost immunity, support detoxification, improve digestive health, enhance cardiovascular and nervous system function, and accelerate fat metabolism.
- Kale: Rich in Vitamins B, A, C, K, PP, beta-carotene, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus, as well as amino acids. Kale increases calcium levels, combats chronic fatigue, aids in weight management, and reduces the risk of cancer.
- Probiotics: Suppress harmful bacteria, improve nutrient absorption, normalize digestion, boost metabolism, strengthen immunity, reduce allergic reactions, and improve skin health.
- Young Barley Grass Powder: A source of iron and dietary fiber. It helps lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels, regulates endocrine function, detoxifies the body, protects against premature aging, and strengthens the immune system.
Individual allergic reactions are possible.
Aoziru, Aoziru Fine Japan, chia seeds, probiotics, kale, young barley grass, banana flavor, dietary supplement, health supplement, weight management, immunity booster, detoxification, digestive health, cardiovascular health, energy boost, vegetarian, vegan, low-calorie diet, balanced nutrition, omega-3, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, probiotic drink, 40 sticks.