Title: SAN SENI Plus Adult Diapers (10 Pack) – Anatomical Design for Superior Comfort
SAN SENI Plus adult diapers offer superior absorbency and protection for moderate to heavy incontinence. Their unique anatomical design ensures a comfortable fit for individuals of all body types, including those using wheelchairs or maintaining an active lifestyle. Unlike traditional diapers, these don’t require measuring waist or hip circumference, making them ideal for both slim and larger individuals. Resembling large sanitary pads, they offer discreet protection. For added security, we recommend using our elastic fixation pants (sold separately).
Key Features:
- Breathable Outer Layer: Reduces the risk of skin irritation and rashes.
- Anatomical Design: Provides a comfortable and secure fit.
- Double Absorbent Layer with Superabsorbent Polymer: Offers high absorbency and neutralizes odors.
- EDS Distribution Layer: Ensures fast and even absorption.
- Hydrophobic Side Barriers: Prevents leakage.
- Wetness Indicator: Shows when the diaper needs changing.
- Size: 37 x 69 cm (14.6 x 27.2 inches)
- Contains: Cellulose, superabsorbent polymer, breathable laminate, non-woven materials, elastane yarn, adhesives, green tea extract, ink.
SAN SENI Plus adult diapers provide reliable protection and comfort, empowering you to live your life to the fullest. Order your 10-pack today.