Title: Ammonia Inhalant Sponges (10 Pack, 3x6cm)
These individually-wrapped ammonia inhalant sponges (3cm x 6cm) provide rapid respiratory stimulation. Each sponge is impregnated with a 10% ammonia solution, releasing ammonia gas to irritate the nasal mucosa and stimulate breathing. Ideal for use in fainting or similar situations where respiratory support is needed. Made from non-woven material, these Evers Life sponges offer a safe and effective method for temporary respiratory assistance. Contains 10 sponges.
Individual intolerance to ammonia fumes. Non-toxic. Reg. No. РЗН 2013/847 (23.10.2014). Shelf life: 3 years from the manufacturing date (April 2023).
SEO Keywords:
Ammonia inhalant, smelling salts, respiratory stimulant, fainting aid, first aid, emergency aid, ammonia sponge, Evers Life, 10% ammonia solution, individually wrapped, non-woven, 3x6cm, first aid supplies, medical supplies, emergency supplies, РЗН 2013/847.