Title: Pure Altai Mountain Shilajit, 5g
Altai Shilajit is a naturally occurring substance found in the crevices and caves of the Altai Mountains. This dark brown or black, resinous material forms in stalactite-like structures and is a rich source of naturally occurring nutrients. It possesses a distinct smell and is characterized by its sticky, viscous consistency. High-quality Shilajit softens readily when manipulated, while inferior quality remains hard. Its potent healing properties are attributed to its complex composition, containing over 80 components including approximately 28 chemical elements, 30 macro and micro-elements, 10 different metal oxides, 6 amino acids, vitamins (B12, P, B1, etc.), essential oils, and bee venom. This unique blend contributes to its ability to enhance regenerative processes throughout the body.
Amino acids, fatty organic acids, resins, B vitamins, vitamin C and E, phospholipids, tannins, carotenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, enzymes, and over 60 macro and micro-elements.
Suggested Use & Dosage:
Internal Use:
Take 200mg dissolved in water, milk, tea, or juice, twice daily – once in the morning on an empty stomach and again approximately 3 hours after dinner. A 10-day course should be followed by a 5-day break. A total of 3-4 courses is recommended.
External Use:
Apply a diluted water solution as a compress or application until healed. Dosage and application methods may vary depending on the condition being treated. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
Side Effects:
None reported.
All types of cancer, adrenal diseases, severe heart conditions, internal bleeding, acute illnesses, ages under 14 or over 70, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Consult your physician before using Shilajit, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
SEO Keywords:
Altai Shilajit, Shilajit 5g, Pure Shilajit, Natural Shilajit, Altai Mountain Shilajit, Shilajit benefits, Shilajit uses, Shilajit dosage, Shilajit ingredients, Shilajit side effects, Shilajit contraindications, organic Shilajit, mineral supplement, herbal remedy, natural medicine, regenerative medicine, immune support, antioxidant, energy booster.