Title: Altai-Seligor Rosehip Syrup (2 x 250ml)
Boost your immunity and overall well-being with Altai-Seligor Rosehip Syrup. This delicious syrup, rich in Vitamin C, is perfect for preventing vitamin deficiencies, particularly during the fall and winter months. Rosehip is traditionally used to alleviate symptoms associated with avitaminosis, general malaise, hypertension, anemia, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, and pneumonia. It also supports healthy metabolism and may help slow down the aging process. The high Vitamin C content strengthens the immune system, protecting against common colds and gastrointestinal infections. Enjoy two 250ml bottles of pure, natural goodness.
Rosehip syrup, Altai-Seligor, Vitamin C, immunity booster, avitaminosis, hypertension, anemia, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, pneumonia, metabolism, antioxidants, anti-aging, cold and flu, gastrointestinal health, 250ml, two bottles.