Title: Altay Maralenok Immune Support Herbal Tea (20 Filter Bags)
Altay Maralenok Immune Support herbal tea blend is a delicious and effective way to boost your immunity and support overall well-being. This carefully crafted blend, featuring rosehip and sea buckthorn, is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, helping to protect against colds and flu. Rosehip acts as a powerful multivitamin, strengthening the body’s defenses against illness. Sea buckthorn leaves, packed with vitamins B and C, provide a revitalizing boost to the immune system. Simply steep one filter bag in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes, gently pressing the bag to release the full flavor and benefits. Perfect for the whole family, Altay Maralenok helps support a strong immune system and contributes to overall health. Not a medicinal product.