Title: Maranol VIP: Premium Altai Maral Antler & Pantohematogen Capsules (120 Count)
Since the early 19th century, pre-revolutionary Biysk merchants have sourced prized maral deer antlers (Pantocrine) from Altai hunters and breeders. Highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, these antlers, even when considered contraband, commanded ever-increasing demand. Caravans laden with Altai pantocrin traveled to Uliasutai, Mongolia, where Biysk merchants sold them at premium prices to Chinese military officials and traders.
Today, select maral antlers, cultivated in the pristine, ecologically clean regions of the Altai Mountains, remain highly sought after globally. The most valuable portions of these elite Altai antlers are considered a source of longevity, boundless energy, and potent rejuvenating properties.
Maranol VIP offers 120 capsules of premium pantocrine and pantohematogen, carefully selected for superior quality and efficacy. Each capsule contains extracts of the most valuable parts of the Altai maral antlers, along with Vitamin C and Vitamin E for enhanced benefits.
Suggested Use:
Adults take 2 capsules twice daily with meals. Use for one month.
Altai maral antler extract (tips/crown), pantohematogen, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other natural ingredients. Capsule shell: gelatin.
Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Dietary Supplement. Not a drug.
Maranol VIP, Altai maral antler, pantocrine, pantohematogen, antlers, maral deer, Altai Mountains, dietary supplement, capsules, longevity, energy, rejuvenation, traditional Chinese medicine, premium quality, gift packaging, 120 capsules, Biysk, Uliasutai, health supplement, anti-aging, stamina, vitality.